Why WASA 2024 Was A Whopping Success

Western Access Systems Association (WASA) is a nonprofit association that represents California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. Its mission is to promote the integrity and professionalism of the garage door and gate industry through consumer awareness and the use of licensed contractors. So, what did we learn?

Education and Information: The show offers a chance to learn about the latest trends and innovations in garage door technology, safety features, and design options.

Product Comparisons: It allows its visitors to compare products from different manufacturers and find the best fit for the needs and budget of the consumer.

Networking Opportunities: The show provides a platform for businesses in the industry to connect with potential suppliers and partners.

Product Launches: Companies can showcase new products and services to a targeted audience. Always exciting! There’s some good stuff coming….

WASA 2024 - (Clockwise: Kathy Nielson, Barry Nix, Sara Guerra, with Kathy Nielson and Joe Crisara).

WASA also taught us a vital lesson in serving our community. One of the best ways to serve our community it by giving them the tools to help keep their families and homes safe. In fact, we are proud to offer a free resource, a Garage Door Safety Scorecard. Click the link below to get your free copy.

Do you know your garage door safety score?


Daylight Saving Time: A Doorway to Danger?


The Undeniable Evidence of Maintaining a Safe Garage Door System